Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I have lived in Uxbridge for nearly 40 years, and have always felt that I missed Uxbridge when it was at its best historically. I arrived just as the old courtyards had been demolished to make way for what is now the Pavilions shopping centre, and just after the old Six Bells pub had been moved to make way for a roundabout.

I've always been interested in the history of the place that I live in, and recently gathered information together for a history of the Quakers in Uxbridge. In the course of that investigation, I realised that there are actually quite a number of older buildings still in existence in Uxbridge, and even when the buildings have long gone, it is interesting to know what was once on the site of a new office building or shopping centre.

I was surprised to discover that it was impossible to find pictures online of some of the older buildings in Uxbridge, and so decided to start a blog and put onto it the pictures we have taken in the course of our Quaker investigations.

Eventually, I would like to link the pictures and information with a map, to enable people to explore the history of Uxbridge for themselves.

I try extremely hard to respect other people's copyright and so the images you see on this website are either ones made by others that I believe are now free from copyright due to their age, or are taken by me or my family and are our copyright.

If you have images of Uxbridge that you would be willing to allow us to use, or have suggestions about the things we show on this site, please feel free to contact us via caliandrisATgmailDOTcom.
Fee Berry
Uxbridge, Middlesex
September 2008

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