Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Old Mill

At one time the Hull family in Uxbridge held three of the mils in Uxbridge. I didn't realise that the Old Mill Club in Uxbridge, which is just before the bridge by the Swan and Bottle as you come into town, was actually one of the old mills of Uxbridge. It is now a restaurant.

I suppose I assumed that like many pubs, it had taken its name from its surroundings. But this is one of the Mills which the Hulls of Uxbridge once used to bring thousands of sacks of flour to London.The mill race is still there underneath the building, although the mill wheel has long gone.

During the 1920s and 30s it had been a tea rooms, and then during the war it was changed into a private place of entertainment. The close proximity of the RAF camp and the film studios at Denham meant that it was very lively. There are tales in one of the histories of the Quakers of people having too much to drink and falling in the mill pond.

Since the second world war, it has been a private members club, and now a restaurant.

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